A. Bolado, A. Brown, S. Clark, Morgan Coley, J. Dewitt, D. Fay, N. Fetterhof, B. French, R. Harrison, M. Huddleston, J. Lewis, A. Maguire, E. Mattson, J. Memmer, C. Miller, D. Miller, S. Oliver, D. Ponzini, G. Raphael, J. Richardson, D. Sager, C. Stone, C. Teschner, T. Vogus
Chief Miller announced he will be retiring effective December 31. The MCSD Board will be deciding who will be the next Chief.
Chief Miller wants to pass on a well-functioning department. There was open discussion on what should constitute minimum attendance at trainings, and minimum participation on calls. There was tentative agreement on 30% of trainings (about 15 per year) and 50 calls per year. There was also discussion on capital improvements and equipment that are needed.
Volunteers are needed to fill shifts to respond to calls with fire equipment in addition to the EMS response. Qualified engine drivers should take an engine (normally 1711 or 1712), all others can take the Squad. Duty Chief schedule needs to be filled as well.
Purchase order for powered gurney for Medic 18 has been approved.
MCFA thank you dinner for firefighters will not be at Chief Miller's house on Oct. 18 as previously announced. Stay tuned for new date.
Tonight's training is on confined space rescue awareness.