
This engine is a 2001 Pierce Quantum type I engine. The engine was donated from Berkeley Fire Department and placed in service 06/01/2021 by MCFD.
Vehicle Specifications:
This type I engine has a gross vehicle weight rating of 42,740. Carries 500 Gallons and has an output of 2000 Gpm at a 150 PSI and an RPM of 1560. 1711 is currently the first out rig for in town response.

Medic 17 is a 2005 4 Wheel Drive Chevrolet 3500 chassis with a Duramax Diesel and automatic transmission. The body is built by Horton Ambulance. The unit was funded by the McCloud Fireman’s Association and the McCloud Community Services District Ambulance Replacement Funds.
Vehicle specifications:
Type II ambulance, custom built for the community of McCloud, fully stocked with ALS (advanced life support) and BLS (basic life support) equipment.

Engine 1712 is a 2006 Kenworth with a Pierce Firehawk body. It is a custom built engine for the community of McCloud.
Vehicle specifications:
Kenworth T300 chassis with Marmon-Herrington 4wd conversion, Cummins ISC 330 diesel engine, Allison automatic transmission, Darley 1250 gpm single stage pump. Carries 600 gallons of water and 40 gallons of Class A foam. It has CAFS (Compressed Air Foam Sy5tem) capability. It can carry 5 personnel and is outfitted for structural firefighting and limited wildland response. It is considered a Type 1 engine.

Engine 1717 is a 2000 International Type III engine. This engine was purchased from Chico Fire Department and put into service 07/2022.
Vehicle Specifications:
This type III engine is a model 4800 with 4x4 capabilities, a with a 500gpm at 150 psi at 1425 RPM pump. This engine is staffed and maintained for wildland and Wildland Urban Interface.

Squad 1740 is a special services unit, supporting fire and rescue operations. It is a 2012 Dodge 5500 4wd chassis with a 6.7L Cummins engine and automatic transmission. The body was custom built by Burton’s Fire in Modesto, CA.
Vehicle specifications:
Unit carries BLS (basic life support) medical supplies, hydraulic rescue tools, air operated lifting bags, various hand tools, chainsaw, rotary saw, generator, ventilation fan, scene lighting, 5 SCBA’s, flammable gas detector, extrication equipment, rope and hardware, rescue equipment and hazardous material spill kit.

This engine is a 1976 Mack CF600, custom built for the community of McCloud, this engine is 41 years old and is still a primary response engine in excellent operating condition.
Vehicle Specifications:
Mack CF600 fire engine with ENDT-676 283 hp diesel engine, Allison automatic transmission, Waterous 1250 gpm two stage pump, 750 gallon water tank capacity. This engine is outfitted for structural firefighting and is considered a Type 1 engine.

This engine is a 1946 Federal. It was originally purchased by the McCloud River Lumber Company and was turned over to the McCloud Community Services District when it was formed in 1963. The original cost for the engine is unknown. Average life expectancy would follow the same parameters as listed for Engine 1712; however, this engine is 74 years old and is still operational.
Vehicle Specifications:
Six-cylinder flathead gasoline engine with manual four speed transmission, 300 GPM Waterous two stage pump, 150 gpm booster pump for hose reel, 300 gallons water capacity. The engine is minimally outfitted as a reserve engine. It is fully functional but does not regularly respond to calls. It is considered a Type 2 engine