A. Bolado, A. Brown, T. Coe, T. DeWitt, D. Fay, J. Gray, R. Harrison, M. Huddleston, J. Lukenbill, D. Miller, D. Ponzini, T. Vogus, Gavin (guest)
All volunteers can be paid for no more than 960 hours per year (40 24-hour shifts), since MCFD is a CA PIRS agency
There are three types of incidents - Fed, State and local. All pay the same depending on position filled.
MCSD pay starts Monday morning 0700 to 0700, so if you leave for an incident at 0500, you get paid 2 hours for previous day. Chief is responsible for tracking our hours. If you have a problem with your paycheck other than hours, you must resolve directly with MCSD CFO. Don't wait too long, and be respectful.
We as individuals and as a department only have one reputation, much easier to tear down than build. How we act is important, especially under stress. Just remember whatever you are going through, you are being paid really good money. Company officers should shut down any interpersonal strife right away. If going out on an incident, leave your family issues at home, or else don’t take the assignment.
IamResponding app, is new version of Rover coming our way, but it is still not operational. Be sure to download the app and monitor for activity,
Credit cards. The Department has five Master Cards for purchases out of town. Can be used for vehicle breakdowns, or purchases not covered by the incident.
Zello is new walkie talkie app. Worked well at Chief's Oregon incident. He hopes to use as alternative to cell phone on local response.
Fireman's Ball Oct. 5. It's a dress-up affair. Hope everyone can join.
Tonight's training is on structure fire roll-up and hydrant evolution